Start Up Support

Congratulations! You’ve decided to start your own business.

Before you read on please take a moment to celebrate that because that one decision is HUGE!

Right now on to work… where to start?! That is the question.

When it comes to starting a business there is a lot to do and it can feel daunting & overwhelming to decide where to start.

That’s where I can help.

Take a look below at the range of services I offer to support you with navigating the start up of your small business.

Setting Goals & Direction

Before you dive in it’s really important to take a moment to set a direction of where you want to go & what you want to achieve. This helps to give you a framework to make future decisions around. Ensuring that each step you’re making is taking you the right way.

This is the first thing we’d work on together. And don’t worry I’m not asking you to write a big strategy document. Just take some time to set some goals around where you’re going to and what you want to achieve short term (and with a nod to the longer term).

Your Marketing Plan

Once you know where you’re headed it’s time to start getting there!

Before getting into the detail the first step is to define who your customer is. Knowing who you’re talking to and wanting to attract is vital before you start taking any marketing actions.

This can save you a lot of time (& money) and give you a clear focus.

Next we’ll decide where you’re going to show up. In it’s simplest form, marketing is all about reaching your customer where they are. This can be social media, in person, print and more.

Social Media is an obvious choice when it comes to your online marketing, as it’s mostly free to use and you can reach a wide range of people, but you don’t need to be on all the platforms. So as part of our work we will decide where to focus your efforts and what you should use that platform for.

We can also look at other channels and places to market your business. I may be able to support with connecting you with other local businesses who can help promote and grow your business.


It’s important to show up in a consistent way whether that’s online, in print or in person. Having brand recognition can really help boost your business and get people talking.

I strongly recommend at minimum having a basic brand kit to support your business; this gives clear guidelines for you to follow. And can also help save you a lot of time when producing graphics, choosing visuals, writing content and more.

Branding may be an expense that feels a step too far at this point in your start up journey. I’m not a professional designer but do have a creative flair and eye for design so I offer a basic package to support you. If you’re ready for a full branding design then I can recommend a graphic designer for you to work with.

Start Up Support Services

Business Goals

A 60 minute session to discuss where you want to take your business. We will discuss your current plans and I will help you set some main goals to be your ‘guide’ for making future actions & decisions.

We will also have time to discuss what you’ve done so far in the set up of your business and you can pick my brains on what you need to do next. This ‘brain picking’ could be to help prioritise what you need to do, advice on what you need now vs what could wait (eg: decisions over investment in websites, branding, etc..), different ways to package up & sell your offerings, and more!

Investment: £90

Marketing Plan, Set Up & Accountability

Right now it’s time to start taking action, and start telling people about your business.
In this service we will meet for around 90 minutes to:
– Define your ideal client
– Determine your initial key marketing actions (this will include making decisions over your online marketing, specifically choosing which social media platforms to focus on)
– Set up your social media presence (I will help & advise on the set up on up to 2 platforms)
– Discuss what content you should share and on what channels; providing you with a bank of content ideas
-Agree actions you need to take to start reaching people

Following this session, I will provide 1 month of follow up support. Keeping in touch with you with weekly check ins and be available to help you progress the agreed actions.
At the end of the month we will meet again for a short 30 minute catch up to review your progress and set some actions for you to contine with.

Investment: £220

Full Start Up Support (Business Goals, Marketing Plan, Accountability)

Simple Branding

If you book my full Start Up Support, I can also offer you a Simple Branding package.
This includes:
– a text based logo (with 2 alternative versions)
– a Brand Guide with set colours, fonts and vision board for future graphics styling

Investment: £160

Let’s get started!

Fill in the form below with details about which service(s) you’re interested in, and I’ll send you full details of the service before you decide what to book.
There’s absolutely no obligation so if you think you need some support / someone to talk things through with / a personal cheerleader to help get your business started then do get in touch!

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