Other Ways to Work With Us

We know that membership isn’t right for everyone, but even if you don’t want to join right now you can still work with us.

Our Collective Events

We arrange many events for local businesses, from netwalking to face to face networking sessions and online webinars.

Many of these are open to everyone (though our members do receive discounts).

Our events are always friendly, relaxed and informal; and you will always be welcome.

To keep up to date with our upcoming events join our Local Business mailing list.

Newsletter Advertising

We issue a fortnightly newsletter to over 400 subscribers. Our rates are very reasonable starting from just £25.

If you’re interested in advertising in our newsletter, then contact us today.


If you’re interested in sponsoring any of our events we’d love to hear from you.

Whether it’s buying some coffees for a netwalk, adding something to a goody bag for an event or supporting us in any way then get in touch.

Join Our Free Facebook Group

Join our free Facebook Group to connect with other local businesses.

This group is focused on creating connections and community, so we do ask you not to spam with promotion links.

Our Membership

Our membership starts from £12 per month with no minimum term.

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