Why Invest in Professional Branding Photography

In this guest blog Tanya from Aldcroft Photography shares with us why it is so important for small businesses to invest in brand photography…

Every business owner should have a headshot – people remember twice as much visual information than they do written words.  When a potential client finds your business, headshots and brand photographs are hugely important in conveying who you are, what you do and why they should do business with you.

Your mobile phone is an amazing piece of technology – it can do so much, including taking high quality photos.  So why would anyone invest in professional photography when they can take a few snaps on their iPhone and load them straight to their website?

Exactly because it is an ‘investment’ of both time and money.  A branding shoot is very different from a few snaps; it explores your products and services, the personality you want to convey and the clients you want to attract.  By dedicating time to think through how you want to market your brand you get a much better outcome, with key messages captured through high quality photography.

Every day we are bombarded with images and marketing material so your images need to stand out more than ever to convey who you are and what you do and ultimately attract your dream clients!

We all know the importance of making eye contact when we talk to someone, and the same goes when people are thinking about buying from you. If you can see who you’re buying off it builds trust and they’re more likely to buy.

It takes seven times of seeing your marketing message before a prospective client will buy. If your client sees a friendly warm face on your website or Instagram feed, then when they want to buy a product like yours, your face is likely to pop into their head first.

Four Reasons To Invest In Brand Photography

Here are my top four reasons why professional headshots are so important for your business:

  1. Show your face and not just a selfie, you deserve it! Attract your dream clients by showing off your brand and personality. You can connect with your audience and show your passion for your business. People like and trust you when they have a deeper understanding of you and your passion and values. Your audience can then make an informed decision as to whether they think you’re the right fit for them and if they want to buy off you.
  2. Your photographer is a professional, let them be your guide. Most people are really nervous about their photos shoots because they don’t know how to pose or don’t like the way they look. Your photographer should find the most flattering light and best angles. They will guide you on how to pose so that you look relaxed and natural. Your images should reflect your genuine personality and your photographer will work with you so that you so that comes across.
  3. You will end up with a bank of beautifully crafted images that you can be proud of and you won’t be scratching around for images to put on your grid! You can capture people’s attention and really stand out. When I put a headshot on my Instagram, it gets the most interaction of any of my posts! I always take stock images for my clients too so if you don’t want to always show your face you can share a relevant prop or photo of your own hands tapping away at the computer or holding your favourite mug of coffee. You can really get creative with your stock images and grow that catalogue of photos.
  4. By investing in professional photography it elevates your brand and shows your prospective clients that you value your business. It will make you stand out from your peers because you’ll be able to show so much more of yourself than just in a selfie.

If you’re interested in elevating your brand and getting some bespoke images, you can contact Tanya via email on tanya@aldcroft-photography.co.uk and visit her website at www.aldcroft-photography.co.uk

All photos throughout this blog show examples of branding photography with Aldcroft Photography. You can find Tanya in our Local Business directory.

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