The Impact of Women Succeeding

I believe the impact of women succeeding more is not just individual; it can have far reaching impact to inspire our daughters, create more opportunities for all and empower others.

On International Women’s Day 2023 I held an event for local female business owners. I wanted to bring together women to energise & motivate them – from the feedback I think we succeeded! Above all else I wanted to encourage them to succeed – however that looks for them (the definition of success is very individual).

We asked the attendees of our event to let us know their thoughts by completing this sentence: the impact of women succeeding more is… Here’s what they said:

The impact of women succeeding more in business is…

“Progress! Representation! Understanding! Change!” – Nicky Elliott, Wilder Ones

“a better world.” – – Pauline, Tring Yoga Studio

“camaraderie among women.” – Vanessa, Thoughtful Foods

“empowering even more women to do the same (& men doing the school run!)” – Sarah, Mimic Gifts

“an inspiration for others to take the leap.” – Kristy, 4Cast Bookkeeping Ltd

“we can breathe, connect and support each other. Building each other up, rather than desperately trying to compete with ourselves and each others.” – Liz, A Thoughtful Place to Be

“more women in leadership positions, more women in board rooms, more women to inspire younger women to succeed in business.” – – Ruth, Hello Ruth

“a more fulfilled, productive, happy and thriving society.” – Rebecca Wood, Bloom Illustrations

“inspiring! We need more successful women!” – Jo, RavenPaws Training & Behaviour

“empowering and inspiring. Big things can happen when women support women.” – Michelle, The Lounge by Graze Life

“a shift in culture. More feminine leadership styles and more room for empathy & compassion to support overall mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.” – Sophie, Sophie Clare Coaching

“showing the world what we’re capable of and inspiring others to take on their dreams.” – Samantha, Gab Design

“empowering.” – Tanya, Aldcroft Photography

“better role models, empower young people. I’d love to see more of a balance of women as CEOs and leaders. Women are naturally more caring.” – Ruth, Ruth Gilbey Marketing & Coaching

“that women can tell their stories by doing what they love whilst being around for their families – teach the next generation of equality.” – Lisa, GommGomm Design

“a better future for our daughters.” – Karen, Style by KPA

“equity, equality, more representation.” – Katie, HR Katie

“the fact that most women support each other, it is not seen as a race or a competition but a strong will for us to all succeed.” – Laura, Little Ms Macaron

“to inspire a future generation.” – Hannah, Crabtree Nutrition

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