The Essential 5…Sylar, the Magician

Well isn’t this exciting? A new blog theme and a set of supremely talented, uniquely successful people from our fabulous local area. What’s not to love? Oh yes and the best bit is — you have no idea what’s coming! So why not sit back, relax and enjoy this winding journey into the world of the Maverick…


First up we have the extraordinary, spellbinding talent that is Sylar, Psychological Magician. When someone is as magic as him it’s pretty hard to pin them down, but we made extra-terrestrial contact so that he could pass on a few insights from the world of magic and indeed what it’s like to be magic.

How do you best describe what you do?

I’d say my aim is to try to make people smile using magic. It’s probably the hardest question as the best way to experience what I do is live. I mostly do that at weddings, corporate events and private parties.

How long have you been magic and how did you find out you were?

I have been into magic since I saw David Blaine’s first TV special. When I saw how he made people feel using magic I thought “that’s what I want to do one day”.

Does magic need to be maintained like good health and if so what do you do?

Good question! I would say yes, it has to be maintained. In order to do that I constantly have to perform. Even if I don’t have bookings, I still go out and perform 3–4 times a week. It’s also a bit of an addiction, I’ll probably go crazy if I don’t perform for a week.

Where can we see you perform?

You can see my stage show “How I got into Magic” at The Waterside Theatre, Aylesbury on the 18th and 20th of May.

What magic would you like to show me?

If I can, I like to tailor the performance around the spectators interests, so I think social media magic somehow? When we meet in person, I’ll show you my favourite trick and possibly read your mind…

Oh no, Sylar — I’m not sure you’re ready for the workings of my mind! I definitely look forward to some social media magic when we’re both on dry land. Who knows — with my hashtagging and your mind reading we could take over the world….?!!! Mwah ha ha ha…

Twitter : @SylarMagic

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