My 2018 – Katie Margetts from Roots Therapies

I’ve never been one for New Year’s resolutions – partly because they lend themselves too easily to being broken but mostly I hate routine so the idea of imposing rules on yourself routinely is a big no for me.  That said I have vowed to give up caffeine this year, so I guess sometimes you’ve just got to make the rules up as you go along!

One thing that really has inspired me however is the way small businesses are approaching the New Year on Instagram.  People are approaching it as a time for positive change and re-motivation.  As someone who really struggles with the January blues and the back to work mentality, I have to say I’m totally loving the positivity!

So with that thought in mind, what better way to start our year of blogs than to hear from some businesses we love  (our Directory members) about how they’re approaching 2018. To kick us off we have our very newest member – Katie from Roots Therapies…

What’s your business and how long have you been going? 

At Roots Therapies, we are all about promoting your natural wellness through reflexology and mindfulness.  We practice Precision Reflexology: a method of applying pressure on different zones and points on the feet that correspond to specific areas of the body and encourage natural healing and balance. We also offer practical mindfulness and relaxation classes for groups or on a 1:1 basis, which restore calmness, manage stress, and promote wellbeing. 

My therapy journey started with working in a specialist hospital before moving to a hospice and the field of palliative care using therapies. Inspired by seeing first-hand the benefits of reflexology and mindfulness, I launched Roots Therapies in 2017 with the pledge to support wellness naturally.

My Reflexology treatment room is based in Little Gaddesden, (five minutes from Berkhamsted), just off the beaten track and surrounded by lush countryside.  I also collaborate with Emma James Physio in Hemel Hempstead to promote optimum rehabilitation.

What do you like most about what you do?

I love helping people feel happy and healthy through the power of Reflexology and Mindfulness! 

What key lessons did you learn from running your business in the year that’s gone?

2017 taught me a LOT! To be more specific, it taught me 365 days worth of lessons  (because ‘annual leave’ is not a thing when you’re self employed!). The end of a year is naturally a time of great reflection, which, not only has powerful therapeutic benefits but also provides you with a wealth of lessons you’ve learnt across the year. 

So on reflection these are the lessons I’ve learnt running my own wellness business, so far:

  • Connect with others – virtually, networking, socially, through all mediums, wherever and whenever you can! 
  • Develop a routine – it gives you stability, and radiates organisation.
  • Create your own energy – you get back what you give out.
  • Never stop learning! There are plenty of free and low cost sources of information out there. Then share your new-found knowledge with clients and fellow professionals in your field, and watch the good vibes grow.
  • Be kind to others – this is a business and a life lesson. Support one another, because kindness breeds kindness.
  • Never compare yourself to, or compete with others! This is your journey, no one else’s. I’ve learnt that I am exactly where I’m supposed to be!


Very sound advice there Katie – and we are all about the good vibes!


How are you feeling about 2018? What are your targets/ resolutions/ inspiration for the year ahead?

2018 fills me with excitement both on a professional and personal level. 

My targets are to: 

  • Share and reinforce my values of organic, cruelty free, and zero waste within all areas of my work
  • Offer MORE therapies to support natural wellness – watch this space!
  • To co-work with others to promote natural fertility and conception and holistic pregnancy.
  • To promote wellness sustainability through regular reflexology and mindfulness.


As a Reflexologist, what health advice would you give our followers going into a New Year and wanting to put the excesses of Xmas behind them?

Reflexology Rituals and Healthy Habits are Roots Therapies’ two top tips to optimise wellness this New Year! 

Reflexology Rituals is all about including regular reflexology treatments in your life, just as you would include healthy food for good diet and exercising for health. Reflexology Rituals also teaches you easy, self-care home tips to include in between treatments. 

Healthy Habits promotes mindfulness as part of your daily routine to restore calm and feel happy. Roots Therapies Mindful Moments Cards are an easy and joyful way to bring mindfulness into every day life by introducing affirmations and mindfulness hacks whenever you need it most.


Thank you Katie – I am definitely feeling a little more Zen after our chat and ready to face whatever 2018 has to throw at me. Namaste!


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