Enjoy a Taste of The Chilterns this Christmas!

These easy to make, silky smooth chocolate pots are perfect for family get togethers over Christmas. As they are quite rich, you will only need to serve small portions so you can use shot glasses, small ramekin dishes or espresso cups, whatever you have already.

This recipe features in the Chilterns Recipe Book which celebrates the best independent food and drink across the region and the people who make it. It is from artisan chocolatier Yvette Lynch of Yvette’s Chocolates, who makes beautiful handmade chocolates in her pretty shop in Potten End.

The Chilterns Recipe Book makes the perfect Christmas gift. Available in hardback now for £20 – click here to buy your copy.


Makes 4 – 6


  • 225g Yvette’s dark chocolate
  • 300ml double cream
  • 2 large egg yolks
  • 15g butter


  1. Break your chocolate up into pieces and set aside.
  2. In a heavy-bottomed pan, heat the cream gently until it reaches boiling point, but do not boil.
  3. Add your chocolate pieces and stir until melted and smooth.
  4. Then add in your egg yolks and whisk until smooth.
  5. Allow the mixture to cool slightly before adding the butter and stir well until mixture is lovely and smooth.
  6. Pour into individual pots, glasses, coffee cups, whatever you have chosen to use. Let them set in the fridge and take out 10 minutes before serving. Serve with some Orange Polenta Biscuits on the side.

Yvette says: “You can also add some alcohol like Brandy, Armagnac, or Cointreau to the chocolate. I would suggest 3 tablespoons whisked in at the same time as the egg yolk.”

They will keep well in a fridge for a couple of days.


Makes about 25 biscuits


  • 85g butter cut into cubes (room temperature)
  • 85g caster sugar
  • 80g polenta
  • 100g plain flour
  • Zest of 2 oranges or zest of 1 lemon
  • 1 large egg


  1. Place the caster sugar, polenta and plain flour in a bowl and stir well.
  2. Add cubed butter and rub into dry ingredients until mixture is like breadcrumbs.
  3. Add orange or lemon zest (depending which one you are using) and the large egg. Combine well. The mixture will be quite wet but will firm up once you have let it set in the fridge for one hour.
  4. Preheat your oven to 190°C (170°C fan, gas mark 5).
  5. Line a baking tray with some greaseproof paper and spoon small teaspoons of the mixture onto your tray, making sure you leave some space between each biscuit as they will spread a little.
  6. Cook for about 5 to 6 minutes until the edges are lightly golden.
  7. Remove from oven and leave to cool.

Thanks to Rebecca for sharing this recipe with us ready for Christmas! For more amazing recipes from The Chilterns get your copy of Rebecca’s book here: chilternsrecipebook.co.uk

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