Angie Litvinoff: Creative Ceremonies

We thought we would catch up with one of our favourite local personalities and all round spiritual & colourful being Angie Litvinoff.  Angie talks all things wedding and also about her unique talents and skills.  If you want a wedding with a difference or just some spiritual healing, Angie is your woman, so find out what her secrets of happy & fulfilled wedding and life are.

Angie you have a rather special job, tell us a bit about what you do?

I am an Ethical celebrant, ceremonialist, medicine woman and mentor.  I give ceremonies and rites of passage rituals through all ages and stages of life to mark important defining moments.  I offer exquisite Ceremonies for Rebels, for people who think outside of the box and want to express themselves in an authentic creative way – or that they want to start making more conscious choices which are good for themselves and the planet. 
A Medicine Woman is someone who traditionally brings wisdom to a community.  So as a modern day Medicine Woman – I am the person who may well bless your baby, officiate your marriage, give a rite of passage celebration for an individual and provide mentoring for you during challenging times.

What led you to the wedding industry and your chosen career?

It has been a natural progression going back to when I was a teenager.  I attended a Native American purification ceremony in the USA at the age of 18, and I followed my natural calling to facilitate groups and work to celebrate life.  I was born in Chile and came to the UK as a child, and lived in Notting Hill for many years. I enjoy and am nourished by a fantastic fusion of multicultural influences in life. I am a creative, and so creating ceremonies for me is a wonderful way I can bring all my ideas and expression of soul together, crafting ceremony is an art – a true expression of soul, it really makes my heart sing.

What makes your ceremonies so different?

My Ceremonies for Rebels approach is completely unique. That is because I take my couples through processes when I create ceremony with them.  As well as putting the couple or individual at the centre of it all and ‘reading’ them so as to represent them in a way which honours their uniqueness and authenticity, I give context and meaning at a much deeper level to all the takes place during those special moments.  Everything has meaning. A conscious choice can be made about everything we do, and so the ceremony itself becomes a statement of values, beliefs, what they hold most important.
There can be a lot of overwhelm with a wedding it sometimes puts people off getting married in the first place.  Dealing with overwhelm is what we do first.  We have a huge creative planning meeting, and I also hold a personal private ritual for the couple if they choose my Elemental Wedding, where we explore the wheel of the year and all the aspects which will give them strength and bring out what is most essential in their relationship.  Its really powerful and very beautiful to be part of.  

What has been your most magical moment as a celebrant thus far?

I have been giving ceremonies for over ten years with may rites of passage ceremonies , but the highlight definitely in the last year for me absolutely HAS to be marrying a local couple.  Zoe and Alex wanted something REALLY bespoke which represented them and their ethical values and personal beliefs, but also was at the same time a ceremony which was inclusive – and so everybody participated in some shape or form and truly embodied all that they love about life and each other, it was wonderful!  They got married outdoors in Waddesdon Dairy on a beautiful clear day, and their ceremony included many elements.  What I loved about this is how we came together as local people, the venue was local, they are both local business owners, the photographers were local, and their values about community and social responsibility really shone through. It was a truly conscious wedding, profound and really beautiful.

What are your top tips for having the perfect wedding day?

So, if you are getting married, I urge you to take note of these five crucial tips!
  1. Make it about you.  Sounds simple doesn’t it?  Well I know, having been married twice myself, its not always that easy! Keep coming back to what really matters, you, your relationship, take time to explore it, spend time together before the wedding. I allow time for this with you, its not only essential, its the whole reason you are doing this, right? I can help you with that.
  2. Don’t get caught up about buying stuff – less stuff more meaning.  What you wear, the food you have and the venue are hugely important as they have to be appropriate for what you wish to create, but other extras can often be hired, try and keep creating waste to a minimum.
  3. Consider a celebrant AND a wedding planner.  Together, we will take care of your guests, and all the planning which can be so stressful. 
  4. Buy local.  Try and involve local suppliers so you can get to know them and ensure they provide you with exactly what you want and need in a more personal way.
  5. Other people have opinions, be firm and sure about what you want, delegate jobs to include people so they feel valued on your big day and also as a strategy so that they don’t otherwise overwhelm you with their needs. Tensions can run high and emotions can too, this is a way to help diffuse potentially tricky situations ahead of time.


Photo credits: Gentle Visions Storytelling Photography

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