How to find yourself in midlife and turn chaos into fulfilment

I know when I hit 40 – almost ten years ago now, I had a crisis. And shortly after that Perimenopause followed (fully supported with amazing natural medicine).
I also know I’m not alone – the midlife crisis is real!
Beginning to question so many things about where I should be, what I should be doing, what everyone else was doing, what I should do next.
And the physical changes and hormonal changes, plus being a mother of young children and a business owner brought a lot of anxiety and overwhelm.

Let’s not get started on the pandemic – which is a whole subject for another time!

Midlife brought a crisis, but it also brought an opportunity. Truly, I see midlife as a GIFT.

Why? Well, let’s see what I really had in front of me

  • An opportunity to review my life
  • A chance to stop and change how I was managing things
  • A prompt to look at my health
  • A review of what mattered to me most

Also, I am in a unique situation as a guide and mentor of being plugged in to understanding myself, and I help women do the same. I used this knowledge to help myself.
This is what I realised about some super universal aspects for both myself and my clients about midlife:

  • That you don’t need to dismiss who you have been up until now, you just need to
    start sorting through aspects of life that no longer serve you
  • That self-worth and self-belief are key to starting the journey
  • That you are not lost as such, so finding yourself is more about self-discovery and
  • That yes you are about to get more spiritual, because you start to question the
    meaning of life – bring on the woo
  • That you start to care less and less about what people think and this is amazing
  • That you need to create greater confidence and find opportunities to do so, because
    you have a lot to say, a lot to live and a lot to do on your terms
  • That you can make yourself a priority and this is essential
  • That you must grow, because nothing stays the same

And what about fulfilment?

Well, I began to make time for who I was becoming. A huge thing happened, I was already aware of my identity but for 30 years I had ignored something which meant so much to me, my art. I came out as an artist. I didn’t do thousands of courses or feel I had to in order to justify it – this is what I had done in the past – I have so many qualifications in what I do its almost unbelievable. Instead, I stepped into a new mindset and just embraced what I had – I just let it out. This has been immense for me.

Midlife is about accountability, growth, freedom, joy, learning and wellbeing, a search for balance which leads to fulfilment. I call it a rebirth, it’s the beginning.

All photos: Nux Photography

Angie is a Life Changing highly experienced Guide, Mentor, Modern Day Medicine Woman, Artist and Rites of Passage Facilitator for Visionary Women in Midlife and Beyond. She has a background as a shaman, homeopathic consultant and women’s wellness expert and has been holding the space for women for 25 years.
Angie focuses on ceremony for renewal, release of trauma, ancestral healing and clearing limiting beliefs so you can move forwards, find your joy and create the life and vision of your dreams.

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