Hector’s House: how they can help

So what is it exactly that Hector’s House do?  Well their aim is to help everyone have access to the mental health support they need. They do this by talking about mental health, therefore normalising it so that people don’t feel isolated or alone.  They get out to schools and talk directly to those most at risk in the language they understand.  They fully understand the link between healthy living and a healthy mind so they promote healthy living to aid good mental health.  They offer tips and advice via their website and you can also contact them if you’re in need of help – you can even message them on their Crisis Helpline on 85258 24/7.  Some times help can seem so far away, but with Hector’s House they’ve made themselves available to anyone any time to make sure there is always someone to turn to. Lotte is also trained to carry out the amazing RTT Therapy which helps people recover form mental health crisis in a time frame that won’t take months.  Have a look at the text below to find our more about what she does.
These guys are amazing and they deserve all the praise they get.  They are an emotional support to many and we want to help them have everything they need to be able to reach those that are so in need of help.  Everyone can make a difference, whether it’s heading over to their website and clicking on “donation”, whether it’s like and sharing their social media posts or if it’s telling someone you think might need their help about what they do. Let’s not forget to share when we can and also, to say thank you…thank you for being the support for those in need – we are so grateful that you’re here for everyone Hector’s House.


What is RTT?

Relatively new, Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is a form of therapy that mixes the best bits of hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)  and Psychotherapy for fantastic, quick results. 

RTT is a dynamic, fast and effective therapy which is designed to uncover the root cause of your issue/s, free you from any self-defeating beliefs/patterns, and helps to imprint new positive, powerful messages into your subconscious to produce permanent life-changing results.

RTT therapists are able to reach breakthroughs via hypnosis that would not be possible if they were simply trying to reach their subconscious mind via altered language and self-talk. 

Your RTT therapist is equipped with an array of techniques and tools that are crucial, not just in teaching you how to communicate with your subconscious mind, but also directly accessing and fixing whatever blockages may be there.


Why choose RTT?

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) teaches you how to understand and communicate with your mind on a conscious and subconscious level. It also helps you to directly access and fix whatever blocks may be there that might be affecting your mental health or thought patterns. 

Using the ‘regression technique’, a RTT therapist and you will go back to key moments in your life using a minor hypnosis to see what roadblocks are preventing you from recovery.

RTT is all-encompassing as a treatment method. While learning how to dialogue with your mind is a part of the method, it is often not enough if you have experienced severe trauma, emotional hurt, or are struggling with addictions or phobias. 

You cannot fix what you don’t understand, and RTT works by first understanding how you got your issues and then freeing you from them for good. 

It also has a huge healing element that uses command therapy to activate the body’s ability to heal and restore itself to wellness.


What Should I Expect From a Session?

As the client, you will work alongside your therapist uncovering the meaning and interpretation of your life events and then changing them.

This leads to permanent, powerful change because RTT enables the mind to tell the body what to do, for example heal itself using a technique called Command Therapy, easily move away from addictions and turn fear into excitement. 

RTT can tell the body how to react and how to feel and it can alter and improve the messages the body sends to the mind so things like depression, anxiety and panic attacks can be permanently overcome.

If you are in physical or emotional pain you want rapid results, RTT aims to deliver permanent change in 1-3 sessions. 


Is RTT right for me?

RTT has been proven to help with a range of conditions including; anger, anxiety, addiction, depression, fertility, panic attacks, pain control, stress, and many more.

Hypnosis can sound super daunting – but don’t worry. It’s not a case of losing control of yourself – it simply allows your nervous-system to get into a relaxed state and enables you to focus inward. You remain fully aware of everything that is going on around you, and you will always be in total control of your mind and body.

Together with your therapist Lotte, you will uncover the meaning and interpretation of life events and then change the impact they have on your mental health today.

Meet our RTT therapist

Lotte Stringer is Hector House’s qualified RTT therapist – having been trained by RTT founder Marissa Peer. Lotte can offer you an array of techniques to allow you to identify the root cause of your problem, and with some simple techniques, she will help you to eradicate your symptoms.

Lotte founded Hector’s House with her family in memory of her brother Hector Stringer, who took his own life at the age of 18. Lotte believes that RTT can have a positive impact on people’s mental health ensuring they never reach the point where suicide feels like the only way out.


We don’t ask for payment, but do ask for a donation (based on your affordability) to the personal value of your treatment – which you decide. If you feel you are unable to make a contribution, please do talk to us.

Get in touch

To find out more about whether Rapid Transformational Therapy with Lotte is right for you, please get in touch.


Call Hector’s House on 07397 155562

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