My 2018 with Fiona Faber

Continuing our theme of inspiring small businesses in 2018, this week we’re chatting to Fiona Faber who recently opened the most beautiful floristry and homewares store in Wendover.  We love Fiona’s story as not only was she one of our very first Directory members but she waited many years to fulfil her dreams. Since opening her store she has never looked back and now fills the world with beauty through her flowers every day. If you haven’t already found her on Instagram I really recommend giving her a follow, as her stunning bouquets will brighten even the darkest day!

So let’s hear what Fiona has to say about her year ahead….

How long have you been a Florist and what made you decide to set up Fiona Faber Floral Design?

I first trained as a florist back in the early 90s when my children were small and worked with a friend in her event flower business.  Circumstances changed and a “proper job” was required so I pursued a 20 year teaching career. However I continued to do flowers for family and friends, which started to increase in the last three to four years and I “flowered” several weddings including my own.   Reaching a milestone birthday and the children all being (relatively) independent made me realize if I don’t do it now I never will….so having attended several training courses to refresh and update my skills here I am, and very happy to be, too! 

What do you like most about what you do?

People often say to me “it must be so lovely working with pretty things all day” and, to be honest, it is.  However, it isn’t all glamorous and pretty – there are lots of early mornings (and late nights), you have to get used to being cold….all the time…and you will never have beautifully manicured nails again!  But, and it is a big but – the smile you get when you deliver flowers to someone, particularly if they aren’t expecting them, makes up for it all.  Who doesn’t love receiving a beautiful bunch of flowers?

What key lessons did you learn from running your business in the year just passed?

There is no such thing as a day off and holidays just don’t exist!

How are you feeling about 2018? What are your targets/ resolutions/ inspiration for the year ahead?

Having just reached the milestone of a year in the shop, I am feeling very excited about the year to come.  I’m grateful to all the people who have supported me so far and very much look forward to expanding our customer base in 2018.  We have some exciting plans for the shop and some great offers for both private and corporate customers who want to take advantage of our subscription services.  I have spent the first two weeks of 2018 speaking to lots of brides and I always look forward to weddings! 

Ooh tell us your plans Fiona…I promise not to tell..! 😉

What advice can you give us to brighten up our homes and make us feel fabulous in the year ahead?

Well, as a florist, I am bound to say always have flowers in your home, but as any estate agent or interior designer will tell you, fresh flowers always make a home feel fabulous.   It doesn’t have to be an intricate arrangement, but a simple jug of freshly picked (or bought) blooms make a home feel clean, fresh and loved.

Check out her listing here


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