Make 2023 the Year to Shop Local!

Small and independent businesses are facing another challenging time with rising overheads, raw materials costs and reduction in customer spending. I’ve already heard many stories of small businesses having to close their doors, or significantly change their offerings, as their current business becomes unsustainable. I fear that there will be many more similar stories over the coming months.

Here at The Buzz Hub Co we LOVE small, independent, local businesses and are committed to supporting them through this turbulent time. So this year we’re asking you all to commit to making 2023 the year to shop local!


There’s so many reasons to shop local; here’s 5 of our top reasons:

  1. Invest in the local economy – 63p of every £1 spent with a small business stays in the local economy
  2. Personality and originality – local independent business owners add their own personality, creativity and passion to their businesses offering original, thoughtful goods & services
  3. Reduce your carbon footprint – shopping locally means your goods don’t need to travel far!
  4. Human Connection – shopping locally you get to know the person behind the business; building a relationship with them which also leads to amazing & personal customer service!
  5. Supporting a dream – business ownership is not for the faint-hearted and by shopping local you are helping someone’s dream become reality.


In 2023 we want you all to source local, buy local, eat local, enjoy local, spend local, support local, love local and shop local!

Shopping local isn’t just about heading to your local high street. It’s who you choose for your hair cut, fitness class, financial advice, kids tutoring, baby classes, business support, and a whole lot more.

To show your support for shopping local in 2023 we’d love for you to download one (or more) of the images below and then share on your social media. Do tag us in (Instagram: @buzzhubco or Facebook: @thebuzzhub) so that we can share.

We’ll be sharing more about how you can get involved to support local business in 2023. If you have any ideas or thoughts, or need our support, then do get in touch.

Remember you can find amazing local businesses right here on our ShopLocal directory. And if you’re a local business interested in joining us then find out more here.

Thanks for all your support for making 2023 the year to SHOP LOCAL!

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